We accept US and Canadian credit cards

Visa Card Visa CardAmerican Express

You are about to enter the Parker Prins Lebano secure credit card payment page. This payment gateway uses 128-bit SSL encryption to ensure your credit card information is safe. Additionally, we have implemented enhanced 3D Secure authentication to provide an extra layer of security during your transaction.

For further questions or alternative payment methods, please contact:

Parker Prins Lebano
Chartered Professional Accountants
Phone: 613-727-7474
Email: payments@ppl-ca.com

Important Note:

If your transaction is unsuccessful, please verify that the address you entered matches the billing address and postal code linked to your payment card. If the information is correct but you still receive a transaction error, please refrain from attempting another payment. Instead, contact us at payments@ppl-ca.com. We will assist you in processing your payment securely and issuing a receipt. Thank you for choosing Parker Prins Lebano.

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